Healing Intention: Conscious and Unconscious
Steven Paul Warren
2008 on the 9th June The Royal Society of Medicine, here in London,
hosted day event for doctors with the above title.
focus of the day was to examine the use of intention as a unfiying
concept in the study of mind/body healing where intentional healing
involves the projection of awareness, with purpose and efficacy,
towards the wellbeing of another.
this encompases a wide spectrum of clinical activity and so the
event beviewed basic science and clinical trials and explored
clearly differenitating psychologica, psychosocial, and psychic
influences. The aim of the event was to encourage and empower
those attending to use these phenomena in their daily cllinical
practice and promote a consideration of the person who has the
illness, rather than of the illness that the person has.
Shaul Livnay talked about the nature of the realtionship / connection
between therapist and patient in the therapeutic setting. Dr Kin
Jobst focused on the healing intention and Professor Harald Walach
explored healing and non-locality.
event was organised by The Scientific and Medical Network which
is an interdisciplinary forum exploring frontiers of science,
consciousness and spirituality and consists of scientists, doctors,
psychologists, enginers, philosophers, and other professionals.
The network came into existence in 1973 and has members in more
than 50 conuntires. Its aim is to question the assumptions of
contemporary scientific and medical thinking by seeking to reach
beyond the materialilst world-view. By remaining open to both
intuitive and spiritual insights, the network fosters a climate
in which science as a whole can adopt a more comprehensive and
sensitive approach.
Dr. Shaul Livnay,
Ph.D. has been working
with hypnosis for 23 years,
integrating it into his therapeutic
work, and thereby making his approach
become much more integrative. He has been
applying hypnosis in his work with children, adolescents and adults
as well as couples.
His teaching has been divided between basic & advanced training,
and workshops on
varied topics: hypnoanalysis, children & adolescents, non-verbal
techniques, anxieties &
performance anxieties. He is the Immediate Past President of The
European Society of
Hypnosis, on the Board of Directors of the International Society
of Hypnosis, and the
founder and President of the Jerusalem Chapter of the Israeli
Society of Hypnosis.
Prof. Harald Walach, Ph.D., is a research professor in psychology
the University of Northampton, where he has developed the
postgraduate training programme MSc Transpersonal Psychology/
Consciousness Studies. As the President of the International Society
Complementary Medical Research (ISCMR), he is one of the most
prolific researchers in Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
main interest focused on the importance of non-specific and placebo
effects. His more recent research interest is in the connection
spirituality, mindfulness and health, and he has helped develop
questionnaires to
measure mindfulness and exceptional human experiences. He is the
head of the
European Office of the Samueli Institute (SIIB), vice-president
of the German Society
for Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy, and editor of
the journals Forschende
Komplementärmedizin Research in Complementary and
Classical Natural Medicine
(Karger), and Spirituality and Health International (Wiley).
Prof. Dr. Kim A. Jobst M.A., D.M., M.R.C.P., M.F.Hom. is a Physician
dedicated to Healing and Holistic Healthcare. He qualified inMedicine
Homoeopathy in Oxford and Glasgow with CCSTs in Internal
and Neurodegeneration and Dementia, also training in Homoeopathy,
Traditional Chinese acupuncture, and Jungian psychotherapy. Kim
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Alternative & ComplementaryMedicine,
Visiting Professor in Healthcare and Integrated Medicine at Oxford
Brookes University. He serves on a number of Scientific Advisory
Boards for emerging
energy medicine technologies (e.g.: the NeuroResource Group in
Dallas, TX. USA.,
(, Clarus Transphase Scientific in CA, USA
and the Soukya Holistic Health and Healing Centre in India (
Dr. Jobst
runs his own consultancy (Functional Shift Consulting Ltd) and
Clinical practice in London
and Hereford. Kim was a founding member of The Princes Foundation
for Integrated
Healthcare, and is a founding member and member of the Steering
group of The
National Care Farm Initiative (UK).
Richard Cameron Wilson, in an article in New Statesman,
wrote that "the bogus sceptic is, in reality, a disguised
dogmatist, made all the more dangerous for his success in appropriating
the mantle of the unbiased and open-minded inquirer". Some
advocates of discredited intellectual positions (such as AIDS
denial, Holocaust denial and Climate change denial) engage in
pseudoskeptical behavior when they characterize themselves as
"skeptics". This is despite their cherry picking of
evidence that conforms to a pre-existing belief.[36] According
to Wilson, who highlights the phenomenon in his book Don't Get
Fooled Again (2008), the characteristic feature of false skepticism
is that it "centres not on an impartial search for the truth,
but on the defence of a preconceived ideological position".[37]
Scientific skepticism is itself sometimes criticized on this
ground. The term pseudoskepticism has found occasional use in
controversial fields where opposition from scientific skeptics
is strong. For example, in 1994, Susan Blackmore, a parapsychologist
who became more skeptical and eventually became a CSICOP fellow
in 1991, described what she termed the "worst kind of pseudoskepticism":
"There are some members of the skeptics' groups who clearly
believe they know the right answer prior to inquiry. They appear
not to be interested in weighing alternatives, investigating strange
claims, or trying out psychic experiences or altered states for
themselves (heaven forbid!), but only in promoting their own particular
belief structure and cohesion ..."[38]
Commenting on the labels "dogmatic" and "pathological"
that the "Association for Skeptical Investigation"[39]
puts on critics of paranormal investigations, Robert Todd Carroll
of the Skeptic's Dictionary[40] argues that that association "is
a group of pseudo-skeptical paranormal investigators and supporters
who do not appreciate criticism of paranormal studies by truly
genuine skeptics and critical thinkers. The only skepticism this
group promotes is skepticism of critics and [their] criticisms
of paranormal studies."[41]
37 - Wilson, Richard (2008-09-18), Against the Evidence, New Statesman
(Progressive Media International), ISSN 1364-7431
38 - Wilson, Richard C. (2008). Don't get fooled again: the sceptic's
guide to life. Icon. ISBN 978-1-84831-014-8.