25TH MAY 1989
feel free to share the recording on which the book by Steven Warren
entitled A Return to The Power of Caring published in ebook, print
and audio book. You can learn more by following this link to The
Books section of the website.
books are also available as Audio Books read by Steven Warren.
by Steven Warren & Wendy Mason.
Contributors Don & Anna Factor, Gill Edwards, Ruth Sewell.
Date June 2016

| Introduction
by Steven Warren |
Don and Anna Factor Session One |
Don and Anna Factor Session Two |
Gill Edwards Research and Holism Session Three
Ruth Sewell Therapeutic Alliances
Session Four |
Steven Warren Conclusions |
Steven Warren Summary |
1989 Steven Warren,
author, speaker and therapist met two extraordinary people with
an equally extraordinary story of how their courage and love had
overcome Dons apparent terminal illness. After spending much time
with them exploring their experiences I asked if they would be the
main speakers at a seminar I and my friend Wendy Mason would create.
had worked for over seven years at this time with people who were
dying, those who were bereaved and others facing both chronic as
well as life threatening illness. Such work had shown Steven how
the Power of Caring was the crucial factor in helping people to
both recover from, cope with and in many cases prolong their lives.
medicine contributed to their care but Steve had witnessed another
important factor at work, the power stemming from a crisis in their
lives to connect with their true self.
this time modern scientific research was beginning to confirm what
had been known from old wives stories, that the human mind and heart
played an important role in releasing the individuals own healing
potential but only as long as that individual was given the right
circumstance, support, encouragement, care and love.
by Steven Warren
psychologist, counsellor and psychotherapist introduces his overview
of the day which he created back in 1989 entitled 'The Power of
Caring.' " Nearly twenty eight years have passed since the
day where, after having met two extraordinary people, I decided
to create an opportunity for doctors, nursing staff, psychologists,
patients and those working in the caring professions to share the
story of Don and Anna's journey of Don recovering from a terminal
cancer diagnosis.
this recroding and accompanying transcript we examine the key factors
which result from the power of caring beginning with our often unmet
need to care for ourselves. Don focuses on the often painful but
illuminating process which he went through with the support of his
wife Anna to reach a point where he could begin to go beyond the
'death sentence' he had received and progress to believing that
he could heal from his diagnosis. "
Listen online or download the Introduction with Steven Warren MP3
Version 2 minutes duration.

] Don and Anna Factor discuss the key phases after diagnosis
his 'terminal cancer' and decisions on treatment. The experience
as the power of caring unfolded in their lives together and within
their own personal realisation. Both Don and Anna talk openly and
candidly and share with the audience key understandings and insights
which are as true today in 2013 as when this seminar was created.
hear from Anna as she explored a powerful journey within herself
for as she said "The primary issue that I realised when Don
was sick without knowing quite how sick was that whatever method
he chose for healing he needed support with it and needed to trust
himself that he had a clue what was going on and what was the best
for him and we talked a great deal about what he might do'
Don, as he says, "The one thought that I have come away with
from this whole experience is a deep conviction of how the psychological
come spiritual side of serious illness and in my case cancer is
far far more important than is usually credited. It is not just
causally but in terms of the cure. I realised along the way that
the cancer, whatever cancer actually is, probably arises for a whole
variety of reasons. Some of them are genetic and a lot of them have
to do with the environment'
the end of the first morning session there were both questions as
well as members of the audience endorsing what Don and Anna had
shared with us in terms of the 'patient' being given respect and
the right sort of care to enable them to satisfactorily progress
through the various key elements of their psychological and emotional
response to diagnosis and thoughts towards how their medical condition
would progress in the future.
On Line or Download - Don Factor and Anna Factor First Session Discussion
MP3 Version 65 minutes duration.
2] Don and Anna discuss with Steven and the audience
of hospital consultants, GP's, psychologists, AIDs and cancer patients
as well as hospital and hospice care nurses and holistic practitioners
how the key factors discovered in Don's return to health can be
applied through the power of caring.
the first session we shared some of the conversations we had been
able to explore with members of the audience during the tea and
coffee break. In our final session we wanted to take the audience
through the key factors which had been explored in the first session
and demonstrate how these expanded during the stage of recovery.
clearly expressed how what had been an academic study of psychology
and the spiritual in his life before his diagnosis now became a
heart felt understanding at every level of his being and that in
some way he realised how a cancer diagnosis was for him the only
turn key of sufficient power to enable him to move to the next stage
of his life. He explored firstly his new found relationship with
self and how this impacted on his relationship with his wife Anna
and then to all the people who were important in his life. However,
the emphasis had to be on his relationship with self and subsequent
self expression from such a new found perspective.
Online or Download - Don Factor and Anna Factor Second Session Discussion
and Exploration with Audience MP3 Version
61 minutes duration.
3 ] Gill Edwards who was then a Clinical Psychologist and went on
to become a successful author
her colleague and friend Steven initially invited her to talk about
the scientific research supporting the experiences of both Don and
Anna as well as patients of Dr Contreras. However, Gill expanded
on the medical and scientific viewpoints to rapidly include her
work in the holistic field.
On line or Download - Gill Edwards Presentation MP3 Version
55 minutes duration.
4 ]Ruth Sewell Marie Curie Foundation nurse tutor specialising in
cancer management and care introduced the key elements to rehabilitate
and maximise a persons potential as a result of illness and adjust
to their changed identify and status.
presented four main factors required by someone when they are ill
which are 1- their power of choice which fulfills emotional needs
and involves the power to make decisions, express who they are as
an individual and choice over the life during this time period to
express and demonstrate their abilities. 2 - Love for the person
with an illness to still be able to freely give and receive love
as well as warmth and affection along with appreciation and support.
3 - Control, to be able to exercise control in their lives at all
levels which means feeling able to express what they do and not
want and to see that people respect their wishes by fulfilling such
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releasing a persons resources and Empowerment.
conclusion if these factors are not fulfilled in caring then Fear
and Stress result which has been shown to compromise our natural
healing and ultimately influencing both the treatment given in terms
of success and eventual outcome.
Listen On line or Download - Rita Sewell-Flint Presentation MP3
Version 59 minutes duration.
with Steven Warren where, nearly twenty eight years on from the
seminar he created with Wendy Mason
examines what advances in integrating the key elements of connection
with true self have achieved for mainstream medicine as well as,
and more importantly, we as individuals for remaining in good health
or for those recovery from or dealing with physical and emotional
Warren's reflections and conclusions in terms of what we as individuals
have created and what we will create for the future in terms of
maintaining our own health and how we deal with both physical and
psychlogical factors.
- Steven Warren reflections and conclusions MP3 Version minutes
Factor, former patient at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana,
Mexico an Alternative Cancer Treatment Center. Oasis of Hope specializes
at combining conventional cancer therapies with alternative cancer
treatments to improve the quality of life of patients.
Factor, famed Grandson of cosmetics giant Max factor, went to the
Oasis of Hope hospital after being told he only had 4 months to
live. "After the initial treatment and about a year of home
therapy. I was totally clear of any sign of cancer. Although I will
probably never know if any one part of my experience was the actual
key to my recovery, I am convinced that it was most likely all of
it -- everything, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
more and view video
I met with Don and Anna through a mutual friend, Wendy Mason, in
1988 at their home here in England we sat and talked in the garden
whilst we drank tea.
Wendy knew of my work with both the dying and those facing potentially
life threatening illness. I had started working in primary care
as a psyhcologist and counsellor at the beginning of the 1980's
and, as a result of meeting Don and Anna they were able to consolidate
the observations I had made in my clinical practice from their own
heart warming experience of the power of caring in their lives as
a result of Don's apparent terminal cancer diagnosis from which
he recovered to full health.
were many lessons which were explored and as the seminar progressed
I was able to share my own clinical experience in psychotherapy
and counselling with individuals, family members and friends growing
awareness of another powerful and yet essential growing awareness.
and Anna had discovered that they needed to find who they really
were and what they really wanted both from their own lives as well
as the life that they 'shared' together in their marriage. That
Don's health and recovery from illness was not just the doctor and
medical teams responsibility and that in journeying through recovery
both Don and Anna recognised the power of their caring for themselves
and others if only we connect with our True Self.
me there was an affirmation in exploring with Don and Anna their
own personal journey. I had made similar journeys both with the
clients I had been working with since 1980 as well as the journey
I had progressed with my partner when they were diagnosed with lung
cancer a year before and their death some four months after such
a diagnosis.
one colleague Dr Sewell said to me 'Steven, you were twenty five
years in advance. So now time to recreate what you so skillfully
created back in 1989 to share with people once again.'
in 2014, as I prepare to release the seminar content I reflect back
over what is nearly 25 years or working at the next stage which
we all focused on when we gathered for The Power of Caring in May
1989. As with most 'truths' the core concepts remain and in the
last twenty five years more doctors, healthcare practitioners as
well as patients and their families know about the power of emotion
and subsequent thoughts on both remaining healthy as well as recovery
from illness.
Power of Caring In Our Lives
Date June 2016- please email the author, Steven Warren,
to be notified of how you can order your Ebook or Print Book copy.
Transcript of The Seminar with the creator, Steven Warren thoughts
and reflections some twenty five years on can be ordered here online
or through the following distribution channels either in Ebook or
print format.
Version ISBN 0-978-1-908587-60-2
through by following links to: Amazon UK - Amazon USA - Lulu Publishing
-Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Version ISBN 0-978-1-908587-60-2
through by following links to: Amazon UK - Amazon USA - Lulu Publishing
-Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Book ISBN You can order your recording either here on this website
or by visiting iTunes store