About US and How We Do It

Here you will learn about how we started and the community which has grown around the world enabling people to a return to The Power of Caring in our day to day lives.

How it all began

Nearly thirty years ago, back in 1989 Steven Warren and Wendy Mason created a one day seminar - event - gathering which they called The Power of Caring. Their friends, Don and Anna Factor had shared an extraordinary journey where they were forced to go within and access their true self. Steven invited a varied audience including hospital consultants, general practitioners, psychologists, nurses, cancer and HIV patients as well as their family and friends attended the day.

It was designed for people from a variety of backgrounds to come together as one group where they could explore common themes which compose the elements of our lives. Compasion, caring, empathy, and the challenging ability to care for ourselves first so that we can expand and link with others from an authentic, balanced way of feeling and thinking.

Now, nearing the end of 2015 as I write I am about to release two print and audio books. The first I have titled 'The Power of Caring and The Alchemy of Healing' based on the gathering I created back in 1989 and bringing the core elements up-to-date as we prepare for 2016.

I have also completed a second print and audio book which I have titled 'The Power of Caring in Our Lives'.

Where we are now

During the past twenty seven years since that important event Steven Warren and his colleagues have focused on the key or core elements of the power of caring and worked tirelessly to enable people to embrace the power of caring for self in their day to day lives. To make and sustain a connection with the understanding from their true self and to care for this all important aspect of our being and expression.

So naturally this website and associated materials are dedicated to continuing the progress of such work.

To do this we bring together people from a variety of backgrounds be they professionals whose careers focus on working with people to empower their thining and resulting action or people who have gone through the journey and wish to share with others through their support and ultimately sharing of such reflection.

Developing and expanding our community

We all need support - affirmation and to equally to support and affirm each other and so with this clearly uppermost in our minds this website is an access to community hub for sharing ideas and insights. It can be a place where someone who is asking questions of their life can access some core concepts and ideas which may result in enabling that person to confidentialy take the first steps to engage with the all important journey of accessing true self.

As you progress though the various sections of the website I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have a variety of growing online resources aimed at supporting the community from planned online virtual sessions with myself and colleages to seminars, talks and workshops.

However, we need you to step forward and offer whatever support you can to share in the power of caring future developments.

How you can support

Over the years myself and my colleagues have given time, money much of which has been upaid to create the books and recordings. We believe that in no other time in recent history the power of caring is needed and so in order for us to be able to develop to the next stage we require the support of both individuals and businesses. We have a clear business development plan based on examining recent developments in the areas of personal and self development which have grown expontially over the past twenty years or so.

You can make direct contact with Steven at the following email address you can leave a message on Skype. As the founder and creator Steven can also be contacted through various social media elements such as Facebook and Twitter.


© Steven Warren. All rights reserved. 1989 - 2016