20th November
I dream of heaven
And wish that I was there
A place of shelter, comfort, warmth
Somewhere free of all life's cares
I dream of heaven
Lost in a mothers breast
A place of deep protection
And a love that surpasses all the rest
I dream of heaven
And wonder am I there
For in the silence of the now
I capture a peace so calm so rare
is this place called heaven
Is it in the heart or mind?
Or do we have to wait
And then our passing will define
November 2014
The Power of Caring
you crying on the inside?
Have your tears nowhere to fall
Do you look around to find a friend?
Someone you trust to call
it feel like no one sees you?
No one listens when you speak
Do you suffer now in silence?
Because others think that you are weak
your problems start to break you
And you are no longer in control
Step back for just a moment
To release what needs to go
people fall down big time
When money problems spiral fast
Others find it difficult to move on
When relationships don't last
us bereavement is a final blow
For anyone who loves and cares
But for every individual
Our life can change, when we all start to share
power we have is inside us
The spirit that is our true self
And (for)this is what we must connect with
Because it is our natural wealth
wealth of real contentment
Our wealth that brings us peace
A wealth that makes the heart beat
Enabling all problems now to cease
connect now with the power of caring
Find the true love that you are
Begin at the beginning
And then life will smile as you go far
November 14
is Time
is time but a moment of joy or sorrow
A new page, a new tomorrow
All our deepest sadness and our tears
All our pain wrapped in yesterdays fears
A heart that beats when happiness smiles
A love that grows and tests the miles
Is time but one small blink of an eye
A place of illusion no more than a sigh
October 14
You Meant To Me
is with purest love and gratitude
that I come to you today
To thank you for all the happiness
that you gave along life's way
Your devotion and your caring
touched deep into my heart
And I carried that love with me
when the time came for us to part
am always standing near you
I have dried your countless tears
I speak to you at night time
and take away your pointless fears
We will always be connected
even though your cannot see (can no longer see me)
The beauty of our endless love
and all that you meant to me.
E.Pitocco 2014. All Rights Reserved. From her forthcoming book
'Especially for You' In Print www.stevenwarrenpublishing.com