The Articles

Here you will find a collection of both recent as well as archieved articles relating to the topic of The Power of Caring in our daily lives and in the lives of others and our community.


The Heart of the Healer is a powerful and timely book for anyone with a lively interest in the process of inner growth that leads to wellness. Its essence is aptly summarized in these words by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (from a speech at the University of Alberta, 1983):

"There is the very real possibility that the physical world is subject to the spiritual forces of the human soul."


Reclaiming the Spirit of Healing

H R H Prince Charles 1982 His Roayl Highness, Charles, the Prince of Wales is heir apparent to the English throne. Eduacated in England Australia, he has served in the Royal navy and Royal Air Force. He has made many official and unofficial visits to other coutnries, as well as familiarizing hismelf with different aspects of British life.

He has a great diversity of interests, including education, nature conservation, disabilities, music, hstiry, flying and complementary medicine. He is married to Lady Diana Spence. They have two children, William and henry. This chapter is based on a speech given to the British Medical Association on the 14th of December 1982.

The Wounded Healer

Larry Dosey "The practice of medicine, as it has been emphasized over the centuries by almost every great medical techer, calls firs of all for a deeply human response by the physician to the cry of the patient for help." - Norman Cousins

Excerpts from The Heart of the Healer with Prince Charles, Norman Cousins, Richard Moss Bernie Siegal and others.

Edited by Dawson Church & Dr. Alan Sherr

1987 Aslan Publishing

Passion, Compassion and Medical Practice by Dr. Ernesto Contreras, M.D.

The moment a young student begins his studies in medical school, of textbooks and lectures begin the process of brain washing him into the supremacy of basic science over spiritual values in his future career. When he graduates as a doctor, he is full of the arrogant conviction that he knows a great deal. If he manages to become a specailist, he is molded into a proud, self-sufficient "professional" He is convinced that with science alone he is capable of solving all the problems of human suffering; that to treat a case of typhoid fever, meningitis or cancer he does not need God's assistance. Before the patient he must appear in unquestioning command. He believes it "unprofessional" to show emotion, which is equated with weakness. Even doctors who remain committed to spiritual values in their personal lives often start to behave as though they are agnostics the minute they step into the consulting room.

The tender compassionate heart of the young healer is thus transformed into the cold and insensitive heart of the man of science.

The Power of Caring Community

Publication September 2015 First Editon. Author Steven Warren - explore more and ordering in Print and E-Book - Audio Book Version.

A Return to The Power of Caring

Publication September 2015 First Editon. Author Steven Warren - explore more and ordering in Print and E-Book - Audio Book Version.



The Power of Caring in Our Lives

Publication September 2015 First Editon. Author Steven Warren - explore more and ordering in Print and E-Book - Audio Book Version.



The Way of the Dream - A series of films with Dr Maria-Louise Von Fanz 1987

Caring and the Well Being of Others - Empathy, co-operation, fairness



Empathy and Morality in our lives. Research shows that the core constructs underpinning our world and life within society are based on the ability to be an empath.

Healing Intention - Conscious and Unconscious

Joe Martino Article and Links




© Steven Warren. All rights reserved. 1989 - 2016