Here on this page of the website are an ever expanding selection of both print and E Books on a range of topics we face in our lives as we work to creating The Power of Caring in our lives and the lives of others.

All books are also available as Audio Books read by Steven Warren.

Here are our selection of Printed and Ebooks which you can order here on line with a summary of content. Some of our books will feature as an online series and others are available in Ebook format to download directly as well as in both print and audio book.


Publication Date June 2016 Please send Steven Warren an email if you would like to be notified of how you can order either as an Ebook or Print Book format

Summary and Content

You can listen to the original recording of the seminar held in 1989 for free here on this website by simply visiting the dedicated recording page in clicking here.

Prepared by Steven Warren who, along with Wendy Mason created the original seminar with contributions from Don and Anna Factor, Ruth Sewell and Gill Edwards.

To read about A Return to The Power of Caring please visit the dedicated page here on the website by clicking here (opens in separate window).

Ebook 978-1-908587-53-1   Amazon USA Amazon UK

Print 978-1-908587-53-4




© Steven Warren. All rights reserved. 1989 - 2014